Enlightened Porcelain

Porcelain as a Source of Light Site specific installation at the H&R Block Artspace in Kansas City, Missouri (2014) por·ce·lain ˈpôrs(ə)lən/ noun: porcelain a white vitrified translucent ceramic; china. articles made of porcelain. plural noun: porcelains articles made of porcelain collectively. “a collection of Chinese porcelain”  

Momento Mori

(2013) An investigation into the visual context of a compilation of my porcelain pieces with objects symbolic for excess, waste, and decay. They are evocative of death and the transience and futility of earthly achievements and pleasures. Inspirations for these photographs come from “vanitas”, still-life paintings from the early 17th century to the Baroque, where…

A Table for a Queen

Table Settings for Marie Antoinette (2012) My objective was to develop a bowl form on the pottery wheel and design a plate and another item that goes with it. The plates and bowls are thrown and altered. The spoon is slipcast and its original form comes from a sock darner. Inspiration for the “pillow” bowl…